Introductory day: Who am I with(out) you? by Vivian Broughton

Introductory Day for:

The effects of early traumas on love, sex and relationships

One year in-depth practitioner course in 2021 based on the IOPT theory and method (Professor Dr Franz Ruppert), led by Vivian Broughton.

This one-day introductory workshop is for anyone interested in:
– a (short) introduction in the IOPT framework of Franz Ruppert;
– how do {Love, Sex and Relationships} fit into the IOPT framework?
– what is the working method with IOPT about?
– how does the ‘sentence-of-intention’ work in practice?
– who is Vivian Broughton?

ABOUT THE COURSE in 2021 itself:

Who am I with(out) you? (2021-group)
The effects of early traumas on love, sex and relationships

You are invited to participate in this 1-year in-depth practitioner course in 2021 based on the IOPT theory and method (Professor Dr Franz Ruppert), led by Vivian Broughton.

Vivian is Director of the Centre for Healthy Autonomy (London), is a long-time student of Professor Ruppert and his work and is an experienced IoPT psychotrauma practitioner.

Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IoPT):
IoPT theory is based on a specific understanding of trauma and psychological splitting as the means of surviving trauma, and of the impact of traumatic experiences in the earliest stages of life. This includes the challenge to the child of surviving within the context in which he or she is conceived, gestated and born. Trauma is an experience that pays no attention to individual identity, and the cost to the child is a loss of self, a loss of identity.

Focus of this course
It is most commonly in our intimate relationships that we encounter the greatest impact of early traumas on our lives: our contact with the ‘other’. Our ability to have successful and loving relationships with our partners, our children and our friends, and to enjoy satisfying sexual contact with our lovers, is entirely influenced by our first relationships, with our mother and our father and our family. Issues of whether we were wanted, seen for who we are, loved without attributions and expectations, whether sexuality in our family was healthy and clear, have a deep unconscious effect on these abilities as adults.

Love, sex and relationships are big topics, and it is from this earliest time in our life that we gain a sense of our identity, and the identity that is possible from this time then defines our relationship with these issues. Our biography is a biography of the influence of trauma: our ‘traumabiography’.

So, if we want to be able to “grow” in relationship within our intimate contact with others, we need to heal our old wounds, our traumas; to recognize these early traumas is a first step to healing ourselves.

Working with trauma
For practitioners who work with people within the context of love, sex and relationships, the influence of early traumas is always present, and constantly re-stimulated. It is a challenge to understand issues of trauma when they are triggered, and it is also challenging to work with these issues when their origin is from very early in life, even pre-birth.

How to bring to consciousness the impact of early trauma on the present situation is an important question. It is common to overlook and neglect the impact of childhood on adult issues, particularly when the underlying issue is traumatic. This practitioner course is intended to open up these topics.

Two-sides: personal and practice
The course will consist of a mix of personal exploration, presentations and discussion. We will work with the Intention Method as developed by Professor Franz Ruppert to explore participants’ personal issues so as to increase personal clarity and practical experience.

Using personal exploration, we will reflect on the processes from a practitioner’s perspective, bringing theory to life in practice. We will do this in relation to group and the private one-to-one setting.

There is a total of six books by Professor Ruppert covering his theoretical developments, and two by Vivian Broughton. These form the basic texts for the course.

Learning in the community of professionals
As practitioners we will create a forum to work and learn together, to develop our facilitation skills, our understanding of the IoPT theory and to develop our practical experiences for guiding individual work.

The 2021-group will consist of both ‘new’ practitioners to this field, as well as practitioners from the 2020-group. Given the depth and the complexity of this work and the enthusiasm of the 2020-group to continue learning, Vivian prefers this diversity in the 2021-group.

Practical information
The course will consist of four 3-day modules in 2021 on the following dates:
Module 1: 4, 5, 6 March
Module 2: 22, 23, 24 April
Module 3: 17, 18, 19 June
Module 4: 23, 24, 25 September

Apart from the modules, guided by Vivian, there is an option of participating in a peer group (‘intervisie-groep’) organised and hosted in Utrecht. Participation is optional and free of charge. Dates are to be fixed.

Super Early Bird, till 15th of September 2020 € 2400
Early Bird, till 1st of October 2020 € 2600
Standard rate € 2800
(all prices, 21% VAT included),

This rate includes: 12 (4*3) days course by Vivian Broughton, the opportunity to bring in (at least twice) your own “sentence of intention”, coffee and tea during the days, healthy lunch.
This course is non-residential.
We work daily from 10.00 hours till 18.00 hours in a location in Utrecht (The Netherlands).
In case of another lockdown, we keep the possibility open of transforming the maximum of 1 module into an online Module through Zoom, if governmental policies (Dutch or British) require so.

Apply by sending your intention and confirmation to Rens Meijkamp (

More information at the Dutch organising team (
Rens Meijkamp +31 06 15083230
Mariska van Veenen +31 06 52008101

9 oktober @ 09:30
09:30 — 17:30 (8h)

Your Space in De Bilt

Vivian Broughton